Board Meetings
A.k.a.: Events.
Members of Table Eight are invited to come along to in-person events.
>> Coming up
18 September 2024
Leading with Balance
Practical Strategies for leveraging your personal style to improve any leadership dynamic
Time: 4-6pm
Where: Tech Space, Worship Street
Type: Workshop
Capacity: 14
Who: Members + Invited Guests
Join us for a workshop designed for Table Eight by the wonderful Ruth Penfold of Bloom.
Ruth has worked in leadership roles with Shazam (the famous music app), Onfido (a financial technology company), and bp Launchpad (a clean-energy investment subsidiary of bp; a Fortune 500 top 40 company), before founding Bloom. Ruth and Em met during Ruth’s time at Onfido.
The Workshop:
In the context of leadership and personal development, ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ energies refer to sets of qualities traditionally associated with male and female characteristics, respectively. Masculine energies are often characterised by assertiveness, decisiveness, and strength, focusing on doing and achieving. These energies drive direct action and leadership through commanding and structuring. Feminine energies, on the other hand, are associated with empathy, intuition, and collaboration. These energies promote nurturing, communication, and understanding, emphasising being and relating.
Both energies are essential and exist in every individual, regardless of gender. Mastering the balance is what makes you, you.
This workshop is designed to help you become the most well-rounded, authentic, unapologetic and deliberate version of yourself as a leader within your team. We look at how to find mastery of this balance within yourself, identifying with confidence the balance of masculine/feminine within others in your leadership team, and practical ways you can start to bring those together to best leverage your personal style to improve any leadership dynamic you find yourself in.
Join the workshop
All Seated members of Table Eight receive a diary invite to the workshop - to attend, you’ll need to RSVP ‘Yes’ first.
Everyone who does will then be sent a link to grab their ticket at a nominal fee to confirm your attendance.
We use ticketing out of respect to the facilitators that often run these workshops at a significantly lower cost to us than they usually would, to minimise drop-outs and maximise how invested everyone is in the session being successful. All fees go back into running these and future Board Meetings.
December 2024
Stay tuned for details of the December Board Meeting
Apply to join
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